At the Saugeen Shores Council meeting on March 25th, the following were speakers.
Open Forum:
Lynn Thede: @ 3:25 on the Town video: ( Thede spoke about the Master Plan for Parks and the Parking Study.
Thede began by pointing out that it is difficult to get on to the Town’s meeting Agenda and she said that it would be a “… good idea to change it”. She then pointed out that, when planning for sports park facilities, washrooms should be part of phase one planning and that a company should be hired to assist with parks planning and that does not get 250 replies to a survey. “This indicates there is a problem with the survey, a problem with the website or returned surveys have been disregarded or there is a problem with their work. I did a small Parks and Recreation survey in 1979 in the small community of Arran Tara and there was a reply of 900. Therefore, a return of 250 by a company you (Town) have hired, you really have to think about who you are hiring. There is a problem with the website here in Saugeen Shores and it does not work in many parts of the rural area, so the survey I did, I know did not get through.”
She went on to highlight the soccer fields at Heliwell Park. “If you have planned the soccer fields i would think the washrooms have already been planned but you’ve got ‘porta-potties’ and with two more fields, that is unacceptable planning … and if you are only getting 250 answers to your survey there is a problem.”
Thede also pointed out that Lamont Sports Park, with ‘porta-potties’ in phase one is wrong and a company that puts the ‘electricals’ in the middle of a ball diamond is “disgusting”. She said that she has kept silent because her family donated $75,000.
It was at that point that she and Mayor Luke Charbonneau had a heated discussion over the time allotted, with Thede saying that they could have the police remove her and continue saying that the (Open Forum) By-law time allotment of three minutes be changed – at which point her microphone was cut off.
Claudia Wonder spoke to the Master Drainage Plan and the flooding on Adelaide Street. She said that the residents on McAulay Street (Southampton) do not want storm sewers. “We do not see the need. We have sandy soil and any water drains away very quickly. We especially don’t see a storm sewer to fix Adelaide’s problem when it has a simpler solution – to connect to an existing storm sewer.”
She also pointed out that McAulay residents do not want the curb-and-gutter profile that goes along with storm sewers. “I hope you will consider this feedback when you look into the Cottage Street Study.”
Delegations: (for complete recording)
John Mann spoke to any plans that the town is considering for youth on the Port Elgin Main Beach. He began by alluding to the ‘world famous sunsets as recognized by National Geographi’. He pointed out that the iconic steam train, mini-golf, carnivals and beach bingo fundraisers and fleamarket for families are all gone. “Private investors now have a lease on the land and you can’t go there.”
“I have two requests,” said Mann, “get rid of the procedural by-law and replace it with seven words, “Welcome citizens how can we help you?”
Deputy Mayor Diane Huber said that the town should be talking with families and youth to see what kind of amenities they would like to see. “Many are struggling and we need to bring topics and people into the chambers to talk about activities that are relevant to the sustainability of our community … we should find some way to get feedback from families about some things that may be missing.”
Councillor Bud Halpin, a former teacher, pointed out that there are many activities within the high school that include basketball, volleyball, rugby, football, soccer, badminton, tennis, curling, chess club, musical theatre, band and more.”
He added that, “Within the town, there are recreational programs that include baseball, soccer, hockey, swimming, basketball nets, playgrounds, trails, etc. Kids should just get off their phones and screens and get out there and do things. While we need to listen to our youth, we offer a lot.”
Councillor John Divinski added that activities of a bygone eram referred to by Mann, are not applicable today. “Those things wouldn’t fly in today’s age and we move on. But I agree, we have to talk more with the youth of our community.”
Vice-deputy Mayor Mike Myatt said there all kinds of youth activities in Saugeen Shores but there is always room to add more. “There is no doubt we can do better but all our summer activities are also way up in registration. Time however moves on and that’s life … we have to look forward and provide activities for all age groups.”
2nd Delegation by Steve Finch KC re CCV project is available at: @ 25:17 minutes
To read his delegation, CLICK HERE