Saugeen Times columnist goes on leave

One of Saugeen Times’ favourite columnists will no longer be contributing his wonderful writings.

Reverend Bob Johnston is officially on medical leave and we can only offer him and his family our thoughts and support during this time.

Bob has written two columns – New Perspectives: ‘A Senior Moment’ and his second, ‘Once Upon a Time’ on behalf of the Bruce County Heritage Society.

While writing his columns, Bob also found the time to write a novel, ‘Like A River Flows‘ and then compiled his ‘Senior Moment’ writings in a second book ‘Sunset Musings‘, with a third book to come out shortly.  The many readers who have followed Bob’s columns, know and appreciate his wit and, with his background in family counselling, his often sage wisdom.

Rev. Bob’s columns will definitely leave a hole in the fabric of our publications and we wish him well and a return to health in this new chapter of his life.

For those who would like to re-read many of Bob’s writings, CLICK HERE>