Save the iconic Saugeen River Range Light: fundraising campaign begins

Saugeen River Front Range Light Restoration Project

The Marine Heritage Society and the Propellor Club have partnered with the Town of Saugeen Shores and want to officially announce a campaign to raise funds for the restoration of the Saugeen River Front Range Light.

   The iconic Range Light at the Saugeen River                                          mouth


The Saugeen River Front Range Light is part of a pair of Range Lights that have been in place to guide boaters and fishermen into the harbour safely since 1903.

Due to high water levels and storms the Front Range Light has sustained a significant amount of damage. The restoration work to be done on the Saugeen River Front Range is estimated to cost between $75,000 and $100,000 thousand dollars, this will include replacement of plywood, cedar shingles, window, door repair, ventilation and paint.

The Saugeen River Front Range Light is the most photographed of them all with sunset photos from local photographers posted daily and it is the backdrop for many local wedding photos.

We will be working with other local Community groups and hope to raise upwards of $20,000 for the Range Light Fund.

The Southampton Rotary Club is kicking off the fundraising with an upcoming event called Jazz for The Light. Don’t forget to save the date November 13, 2020. We are happy to have such talented volunteers like Stew Nutt of the Rotary Club who is organizing this awesome event. Check out

About Us the Marine Heritage Society and Propellor Club

We are a group of dedicated volunteers whose objectives are to preserve, protect, promote and in some instances to restore material items of marine historical significance and to raise sufficient funds to support these endeavours.

*One of our biggest projects was the Restoration of the Keepers Cottage on Chantry Island and we have offered Historical Guided Tours since 2001.

*In 2004, we also helped with the total excavation of a shipwreck buried beneath the sand on the Southampton Beach to help determine it was the HMS General Hunter, a British Brig taken by the Americans in the war of 1812.

*The total restoration of the McNab Point Lighthouse was done in 2009.

*2010 brought us a new Tour Boat the Peerless II with a ten year plan to pay back a loan from the Town of $125,000 which we paid it back in 2 ½ years.

*In 2012 all three of the Range Lights were designated as Historical Sites because of their Historical, Architectural and Community Values

*The Saugeen River Rear Range Light was painted and updated in 2019 so we could participate in Historical Sites, and Doors Open Days.

*In 2021 we hope to Celebrate our 20th year operating Tours to Chantry Island and our 10th year of the Marine Heritage Festival.

Our plans are to host some unique events in the spring of 2021 as COVID 19 allows. We are working on these events so watch our website at and email any inquiries to

Marine Heritage will be accepting donations and offer a tax receipt for donations of $20.00 or more. Please send cheques to:   Range Light Fund, 86 Saugeen St. Southampton, ON N0H 2L0 or email information to