SDHS students, teachers and staff returning after 50 years

This June 17, 18, & 19 many former Saugeen District High School (SDHS) students will return to Saugeen Shores for a 50-year reunion. Students of the 1970’s from two class streams will converge upon our community to celebrate attending SDHS. The two class streams consist of those who began grade 9 at SDHS in September 1967 and September 1968 and all classmates who joined these two classes through to graduation in June 1972 and June 1973. The reunion will also see many former teachers and staff attend. 

It is expected many attendees will arrive early for the weekend and enjoy restaurants, stores and sights.

All of the reunion events will take place at ‘Reunion Central’, the Lakeshore Recreation Banquet & Fitness Facility in Port Elgin, beginning the afternoon of Friday, June 17th when registration and the ‘Nostalgia and Memorabilia Room’ will open upstairs in the hall and again the morning of Saturday, June 18th. Weather permitting, there will be a ‘Meet and Greet’ at the Pines for classmates, teachers and staff to remember old times and socialize. A BBQ dinner will be available and the day will be capped off with a dance, hopefully under the stars, to the classic 60s & 70s tunes by “Settle the Ghost”. Sunday’s agenda will consist of a brunch and “Tribute to Teachers and Staff”, also at Lakeshore.

According to the Reunion Chair, Jim Hilbig (Class of 1972), the planning for the event started back in 2020 and, despite the pandemic, response has been very favourable.

Many former SDHS students from the reunion classes scoured and researched to find as many classmates as possible to invite. As a result, Jim anticipates approximately 200 attendees, including guests. The former students were contacted by phone, mail, email and Facebook. The reunion Facebook page is “Saugeen DHS 50 year class reunion”.

The reunion committee has arranged for a shuttle service, courtesy of Bruce Power, on Friday, June 17th and Saturday, June 18th for the use of attendees to and from their lodgings to “Reunion Central”, and for visiting Saugeen Shores sights and downtown areas.