Although they don’t look like it, Jean and Chuck Beaton are celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary.

According to the Beatons of Southampton, “… the sixty years has flown by …” as they celebrated their 60th anniversary on July 22, 2018.
The couple was married on July 22nd, 1958 in Heidelberg (ON) in the Lutheran Church because, as a young woman, Jean was raised as a Lutheran.
Reverend Charles (Chuck) Beaton of the United Church and his young wife, a teacher, served in several parishes, including northern Saskatchewan. “As a minister’s wife,” says Jean Beaton, “I was often the first in church and the last to leave.”
One thing that Jean says was important was that they shared fun and a sense of humour and, according to Rev. Chuck Beaton, “The last 20 years, especially, has literally flown by.”
The couple has a cottage at Tobermory on the Bruce Peninsula where they enjoy spending much of the summer surrounded by family.
When in Southampton, the couple is active in the Southampton United Church where both sing in the church choir. In addition, Rev. Beaton, continues to act as a ‘fill-in’ minister at various parishes and serves as the Port Elgin Legion Chaplain while Jean is involved on church committees.