Slo-pitch tournament winds up with winners

Sunday, August 25th was the final count-down for teams in the annual Slow-pitch tournament in Saugeen Shores.

For Liv-A-Little Foundation however it was a count-up as the Men’s and Ladies’ Leagues presented a cheque for $6,100.  The money was raised through the sale of ‘Sock it to Cystinosis’ purple socks that the the players sported throughout the tournament.

(L-R) Harper and Olivia Little, Anne-Deschambeau-MacKay, (Ladies League Pres.), Connor Yourth (Men’s League Pres.) Councilor Kristan Shrider, Chad and Erin Little (Liv-A-Little Foundation)

When it came to final play, some teams were more evenly matched than others.

The Ladies ‘A’ division saw the Pete’s lined up against the Riveters but, unfortunately, the Riveters couldn’t match up to the strength of the Pete’s hitters who brought home the trophy.

                                  The winning Pete’s with special fans Harper and Olivia Little (R) of Liv-A-Little

In the Men’s ‘B’ division however, the match was much closer as the Wismer House and Sutton ‘Er Nutton were separated by only two points in the final with a score of 15 – 13.

                                                Sutton ‘Er Nutton take home the champtionship trophy

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