“This economic initiative will help strengthen domestic manufacturing, create jobs and attract investment that will serve as a boost for regional economic growth,” Thompson said. “It is a very important project for the municipality.”
The Government of Ontario launched the Regional Development Program in the fall of 2019 as part of its commitment to transform business supports to deliver value for money for taxpayers and create sustainable opportunities for businesses and communities in eastern and southwestern Ontario.
Under the program, businesses, municipalities, and economic development organizations can get financial and access to a range of complementary services and supports.
“We are pleased to receive Southwestern Development funding to support the expansion of the Wastewater Treatment Plant in Teeswater. The upgrades will support industrial and residential growth in the Villages of Formosa and Teeswater which is important as we plan for the future of our municipality,” said Mayor Robert Buckle.
Ontario is investing more than $100 million through the Regional Development Program from 2019 to 2023 to support distinct regional priorities and challenges and boost the province’s economic recovery. The program provides cost-shared funding to businesses, municipalities and economic development organizations to help local communities attract investment, diversify their economies, and create good, local jobs.
The government launched the Regional Development Program for Eastern and Southwestern Ontario in November 2019. Businesses and municipalities can get financial support through the Eastern Ontario Development Fund (EODF) and Southwestern Ontario Development Fund (SWODF) and guided access to a range of complementary services and supports. It also recently launched the Advanced Manufacturing and Innovation Competitiveness (AMIC) stream of the Regional Development Program to help support Ontario advanced manufacturers to invest in the equipment, advanced technologies and skilled workforce needed to improve competitiveness, growth, and create, retain and bring jobs back to every region of the province.