Letter to Saugeen Shores Town Council from a Concerned Resident
Copy to: Editor, Saugeen Times
It has recently come to the attention of our entire community that you, our Saugeen Shores Town Council are, once again, considering a proposal to amend the Official Plan, and develop the precious and protected significant woodland and wetland area bounded by Bay, Albert and Island Streets.
To all of us who care about the environment, our wildlife, and the meaning of the term ‘protected’, this proposal is unacceptable, and is contrary to your publicly announced commitment to safeguard this natural habitat.
You heard, loudly and clearly, in 2019 how your constituents feel about anyone touching these lands, and you responded by agreeing not to proceed with any future development there. Yet, here we are, a mere four years later, and you are once again considering amending the Official Plan to allow housing in these significant woodlands and wetlands.
I, for one, am disillusioned and outraged by your change of heart and vision. Where is your integrity?
You recently permitted the removal of the forested area at the corner of Hwy 21 and McNabb Street for a housing development. Please stand up for what is right for the generations of families who have enjoyed, and hope to continue to enjoy these special natural lands in Southampton. Please safeguard this natural wildlife habitat for the future.
The significant woodland and wetland in question is the last of our ‘crown jewels’ and it must be protected and secured, in perpetuity. That means never ever to be altered or developed.
I look forward to your response to these concerns.
Margaret Devitt
Southampton, Ontario.