Southampton Royal Canadian Legion pledges support for Cenotaph revitalization

On December 6th at its General Membership meeting, the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 155 in Southampton, decided to make a major pledge to the Town of Saugeen Shores for the revitalization of the Southampton Cenotaph.

  (L) Mayor Luke Charbonneau, 2nd V-P Ricahrd Mattiussi, V-P Stewart Shular & President                                Harry Mazmanian (absent is Service Officer Derek Johnston)

The Branch pledged $25,000 and, in addition, will continue to fundraise for the project with all monies collected to be transferred to the Town of Saugeen Shores when the project begins in 2025.

“We all agree this is a very important icon in Southampton that recognizes all those local young men who fought for our country,” said Branch President Harry Mazmanian.

Mayor Luke Charbonneau, who accepted the pledge, said that, “There is no doubt this is the focal point of Southampton’s main High Street and we know that everyone wants it remain that.  One of the most memorable times of the year is the Remembrance Day parade that leads to the Cenotaph, so it has to be a special place.”

The Legion Branch has opened a special account at the local Southampton branch of the CIBC where donations can be made, however, for those wishing a tax receipt, donations can be made at the Saugeen Shores Town office specifying ‘Cenotaph’.