Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation announces the successful completion of the x-ray fundraising campaign.

The Saugeen Shores community has a great deal to be proud of according to the Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation. The Foundation announced today that the Light the Way holiday fundraising campaign that kicked off on November 12th to raise $510,000 for a new x-ray machine for the hospital in Saugeen Shores is now complete.
“What an absolutely amazing accomplishment for our community and local hospital” said Foundation Executive Director Tracy Murray. With the uncertainty of fundraising this past year we weren’t certain how long it would take to complete the campaign. “We have been absolutely blown away by the unwavering support of the community not only for the x-ray fundraiser but through this entire past year”.
Grey Bruce Health Service (GBHS) is purchasing six x-ray machines – two for Owen Sound, and one each for Meaford, Lion’s Head, Wiarton and Southampton hospitals. Purchasing these units together reduces costs and also allows GBHS to standardize the x-ray service and training across the corporation. Staff and physicians will be trained on the same equipment regardless of the hospital they work in, and patients can expect the same high quality images regardless of where they receive their x-ray. The last x-ray machines were purchased and installed in all GBHS hospitals in 2005.
The hospital in Saugeen Shores has the second highest x-ray volume out of all the GBHS hospitals, with Owen Sound having the highest.
“We are extremely grateful to the Foundation and to the community for providing funds to purchase a new x-ray at the Southampton Hospital,” said Gary Sims, GBHS President & CEO.
The community rallied behind the x-ray campaign through the annual Light the Way Radiothon on 98theBeach in December where an astounding $185,000 was raised in 12 hours, the majority of the remaining funds came in through the ‘Light the Way’ direct mail campaign and major donors.

A big thank you now goes out to The Sandhu family in Port Elgin (Dr. Gurbaz Sandhu, Dr. Harinder Sandhu and Reeti Sandhu) who own Saugeen Shores Family Dentistry and Port Elgin Audiology stepped up to the challenge issued to all local dentist offices during radiothon by fellow dentist Dr. Gord Mackay. The Sandhu family donated $15,000 to help finish off the x-ray campaign, with a commitment to donate an additional $35,000 over the next two years to high priority equipment needs for the hospital in Saugeen Shores.
“Thank you to each and every resident and business who donated to help bring the new xray technology to our local community. Your gift will have such an impact on the care given to thousands of people in your community for years to come,” says Foundation Executive Director, Tracy Murray.