Southampton Yacht Club welcomes visitors

Southampton Yacht Club is welcoming visitors to the shelter of its safe harbour at the mouth of the Saugeen River on Lake Huron.
Today, the Club has 14 members but it has existed since 1972.  This year, the Club is welcoming other ‘sailors’ and has installed four mooring buoys for visiting craft.
The Club wants to not only offer a safe harbour for sailing craft but to also encourage touring visitors to moor and visit the community of Southampton, recognized as the oldest port on the Bruce coast of Lake Huron where early fur traders of the Metis and the Hudson Bay trading post worked together in opening up the area to trade and settlement.
For those who moor on the Saugeen River at one of the buoys, there is no time limit for those boaters who want to explore the area with its many historic attractions beginning with the harbour and its Pioneer Park.
The harbour is one of the last historic ‘working’ harbours with fishing tugs and is also the key to Chantry Island’s Imperial Lighthouse that lies offshore from Southampton and the mouth of the Saugeen River.
Southampton Yacht Club Commodore, Malcolm McArthur, says that the Club is currently working on an information page on its soon to be released web site outlining the many attractions for visiting cruisers.
“We will also be updating our profile with Ports Cruising Guide which is referenced by the vast majority of people cruising the lakes,” he adds.  “In addition to this, we will be sending letters to all public and private yacht clubs south of us, including the USA side, of our recent changes.”