SRA ‘non-Golf Golf Tournament’ a successful FUNdraiser for hospital campaign

Southampton Residents’ Association presented the proceeds raised during the 2020 “Non-Golf Golf Tournament” to the Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation campaign for new defibrillators for the crash carts at the hospital.

       (L-R) Jim Barbour (Chair Hospital Foundation), Bill Bowden (SRA President), Tracy Murray (Foundation                                     Exec. Dir.), Brad Young (Saugeen Golf GM) and Greg Jamieson (SMHF Sec.-Treas.)

“We had a wonderfully successful fundraiser, raising more than $14,000 for the Hospital Foundation,” said SRA President, Bill Bowden, “and we had fun doing it. Dedicating the money to the defibrillator project was an excellent choice for us.”

Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation Executive Director, Tracy Murray, said “We are delighted that the SRA has stepped forward to dedicate this money to our project. The SRA contribution really helps us kickstart our campaign.”

With a goal of $80,000, it is hoped that this year’s campaign will enable four new defibrillators to be brought to the Southampton hospital. These enable hospital staff to monitor heart rhythms, defibrillate (shock) someone out of a life-threatening arrhythmia or externally provide a temporary pacemaker to a patient in crisis.