Staff report recommends property for proposed beach development be declared surplus

At the September 26th Regular Council meeting, Saugeen Shores Clerk, Debra Roth, has prepared a report that will come forward to declare the Port Elgin Beach property for the proposed CCV development, as surplus land.

In the report, a summary states that, “… As the development of the Cedar Crescent Village project advances, the Town is required to declare the lands surplus on which the development will be situated in order to confirm the 50- year lease with 2706913 Ontario Inc. This report recommends declaring the lands described as surplus and that the necessary By-law(s) be forwarded to Council for adoption at the October 11, 2022 Regular Meeting of Council.”

In her report, she lays out the background of the property and lease agreement.

“On January 13, 2020 the Lease was approved in principal by Council and on February 10, 2020 By-law 11-2020 was passed approving the Lease and authorizing the execution of the same. By-law 11-2020 noted that the intent to enter into a lease agreement extending beyond 21 years was given on December 16, 2019, December 23, 2019 and January 13, 2020 … with the finalization of the Site Works and Servicing Agreement and the approval of the Amending Land Lease on June 13, 2022, the Town needs to advance the declaration of surplus lands to support the registration of the Lease on title. This does not change the status of the land as being publicly owned lands.”

In order for the 50-year lease to be registered and move forward, Council must declare the land surplus by resolution in the open Council meeting on September 26th.  While a public notice has to be posted on the Town’s website and social media, it can only be published in local media “if directed by resolution of Council”  Following the notice being published, a By-law would then have to be passed at October 11th’s meeting of Council confirming that,  “… the land was declared surplus on September 26, 2022 and public notice was given as required.”   If all steps are followed, the Mayor and Clerk would then sign any documentation confirming the Lease with 2706913 Ontario inc.

According to the Clerk’s report, “With the finalization of the Site Works and Servicing Agreement and the approval of the Amending Land Lease on June 13, 2022, the Town has to implement the declaration of surplus lands to support the registration of the Lease on title. This does not change the status of the land as being publicly owned lands.”