Students encouraged to take the Rotary Winter Olympic Challenge

    To register, Click on Bearama                               above

Rotary Winterama begins this week on February 4th and runs for the entire month.

Winterama encourages students and youth groups to get out, be active, have fun and raise funds for youth projects.

To tie in with this year’s Winter Olympics, Rotary is issuing the Rotary Winterama Olympic Challenge from February 4th to February 20th.

Winterama is again virtual this year and, new for 2022, 100% of pledged money raised by students will go to their own school nutrition programs or school or youth group projects.

About Rotary Winterama:  Winterama has been a successful partnership between local schools, youth groups, area Rotary Clubs and the local business community raising over half a million dollars.

Watch for Winterama’s mascot, Bearama, who will be out and about for the Winterama Olympic challenge!!!