Saugeen District Senior School (SDSS) Grade 12 students Chelby Morris and Daniel Gill and their team decided it was time that their peers learned about the countries where their fellow students came from or had visited.
“This is the first time we’ve tried this,” said Daniel Gill, “so we didn’t know what to expect. The response has been incredible.”
Students created displays from countries that explained cultures, food, clothing styles, historical significance, geography and many other items of interest. From the far north of Iceland to countries of India, Morocco, Scotland and more, with some of the displays also including food samples native to each.

Outside on the school grounds, daal Roti food truck from Indian Tadka House in Owen Sound offered up ethnic Mumbai cuisine for students to sample.
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It was also a lesson in geography and history, as students wrote personal, or researched, historical pieces such as Fleeing Communism in Czechoslovakia and the Work Camps of Siberia.
It was a day filled with opportunities to learn about the homelands of many of the students at SDSS and a chance to explore the many countries that make up the planet.