Although they did not decide on an official name for the group, the 42 women and four men involved in making surgical scrub caps continued to cut, sew and deliver an incredible 2,870 caps to all nursing homes and hospitals in Grey Bruce.
The group also helped three dentists’ offices to get started this week and there are still approximately 50 caps remaining to be sewn for ‘urgent’ requests.
A community initiative saw the Southampton Rotary Club cover the cost of $150.00 worth of needed buttons from Amazon thanks to Rotarian Sue MacDonald and Southampton resident Pat Dobec who also purchased buttons, delivered caps and helped access fabric from her wide network of friends.
Woodworkers, Dave Mason and Bob Hastings made needed wooden buttons and Merle Rath took care of deliveries throughout Saugeen Shores and Sauble Beach.
Under Dunc McCallum’s guidance, Beckers shoe store in Port Elgin stepped up to supply shoe boxes in which the caps were packaged to be delivered. Beckers manager explained that when a customer purchased shoes, they were asked if they would forfeit the shoe box for the project for help front-line workers and everyone was more than willing.
“Personally, I’m still quite overwhelmed by the whole experience and the generosity of people willing to commit their time and skills,” said organizer, Rev. Darlyne Rath.