The SVCA has reviewed the Port Elgin Beach Hazard Assessment by Shoreplan Engineering, the Plan of Survey from Hewitt and Mile Limited (Ontario Land Surveryors) and the Site Plan, Ground Level for the Cedar Crescent Village by G.M. Diemert (Architect). Following this, SVCA retained Peter Zuzek, a professional geoscientist and president of Zuzek, Inc., to complete a peer review of Shoreplan’s Beach Hazard Assessment,
Based on all of these reports and plans, SVCA staff CANNOT recommend approval at this time. They have informed Saugeen Shores Administration and I assume Mr. Donnini, that there are several concerns, including but not limited to:
1- From Mr. Zuzek’s report:
-a- delineation of the 100 year flood plan,
-b- delineation of the shoreline flood hazard limit,
-c- delineation of the dynamic beach hazard limit,
-d- the proposed development could be at risk from the shoreline hazards
2-Portions of the development proposed are within the flooding and dynamic beach hazards of the Lake Huron Shoreline. SVCA’s policies do NOT support new development within these shoreline hazards.
3- the proposed development could create a risk to public safety and structural damage to the buildings.
4- it has not been demonstrated that the development would not impact natural shoreline processes
5- it has not been demonstrated the development would not have an impact on the control of flooding, erosion, pollution , dynamic beaches, or the conservation of land.
For the application to be acceptable, the concerns/technical issues outlined in Mr. Zuzek’s report and other concerns from SVCA, must be addressed to Mr. Zuzek’s and SVCA staff’s satisfaction.
There is an appeal process should they decide to move forward with their application however SVCA at this time has made it clear that SVCA’s policies do NOT support new development within the shoreline flooding and dynamic beach hazard limits.
This is merely a summary. I have attached:
– the CCV Site Plan submitted by Bruce Pinchin, Professional Engineer with ShorePlan Coastal Engineers.
– the report from Mr. Zuzek (Professional Geoscientist and President of Zuzek, Inc)
– the letters to Jay Pausner (Supervisor of Development Services of Saugeen Shores) and CAO Kara VanMyall from Brandi Walter ( Environmental Planning Coordinator of the SVCA) and Jennifer Stephens (General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer of Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority)
Patricia Corrigan-Frank
Port Elgin Beach Preservers