Kidz Zone, the summer program at the Bruce County Museum and Cultural Centre, had a treat in store on Tuesday (Aug. 28) when the Butterfly Gardens of Saugeen Shores swooped in and took everyone out to Fairy Lake to learn how to tag Monarch butterflies.
Kerry Jarvis, Melitta Smole and Barb Wilner began the morning with a craft project that had each youngster create a Monarch ‘crown’ and then go through the technique of netting a Monarch.

From the Museum’s Bruce Power Theatre, the outdoor active fun began as everyone began their ‘hunt’ for Monarchs in the Museum garden and then move to Fairy Lake.

Whenever a Monarch was spotted and then netted to be tagged, it was a moment of excitement for the youngsters who had learned to be gentle with the insects, tag them carefully and then, on release, they would shout “Adios Amigo” in anticipation of the butterflies’ winter trek to Mexico.

Tomorrow, Friday August 31st, is another big tagging day for all ages. Everyone interested in experiencing tagging a butterfly is invited to join Butterfly Gardens of Saugeen Shores at the ‘big flag’ in Southampton on the Captain Spence Trail at 10:00 a.m.