Tankard tickets now on sale

Weekly ticket packages for the Port Elgin Chrysler ’22 Ontario Tankard presented by Bruce Power are now on sale and available.

One week packages are $125 plus applicable taxes and fees. Due to current Covid restrictions there are a limited number available at this time.

To purchase go to www.portelgincurlingclub.com and click on the Purchase Tankard Tickets button. You will have the option to purchase through the Port Elgin Curling Club, or to support other clubs including the Bluewater Curling Club, Tara Curling Club, or the Kincardine Curling Club.

The Port Elgin Chrysler ’22 Ontario Tankard presented by Bruce Power will be held at the Plex in Port Elgin from February 9 through 13, 2022.

For further information contact Dave Middleton at 519-270-9023 or at dmiddleton@bmts.com 

Thank you to Platinum Sponsor Bruce Telecom. Bruce Telecom believes in community support and are active in lending a hand, giving back and doing their part – simply because it feels right.

The Director of Marketing, Kathryn Bruce, stated that they had a large demand for sponsorship and have a rigorous screening process for all applicants.  The Tankard met their sponsorship criteria fully. They are excited to be a part of this event and they will be a great partner in helping us met our technology needs.