The secret to successful projects has always been respectful communication says reader

To the Editor:

That is a wonderful letter, Peter Little. I hear your heart.Business owners who have been around for 40 years or so really do know how to read the market as it actually exists in reality.

We have been able to assess the mindset carefully, which is a major part of being able to stay in business in Saugeen Shores.

I totally agree that we need the dreamers and creative people to make magic happen.Magic can come with a heavy price.

As your Dad said to me when I opened my business in 1980….”Well, I hope that you are not one of those Fly By Nighters who stay open for a couple of years and then disappear”….lol.I have always remembered him saying that to me.

In a way I suppose that the wanting to protect the business at the beach in Port Elgin falls under a similar umbrella.At the same time, it is important to open to progressive ideas for the good of ALL concerned.That is a huge order, folks.

I know because I have been there.However, one usually finds that if one wants to find out best how a project could be a success one would converse with the local people. It can be truly amazing how well that idea can work for everyone concerned.Talented Professionals do this. It is wise and it is important.

Prior to relocating to Port Elgin I worked on difficult projects in several cities for world renowned Architects, including David Novick who designed the CAW Education Centre in Port Elgin.

The secret to successful projects has always been comfortable and respectful communication.Period.

So somehow the marketing of this beach project has failed in the communication department .It is unlikely to create something wonderful when so much anger, frustration and disappointment is in existence.

Keeping in mind, that Architects and Designers are hired to create the end project result and are bound morally to to look after the public good.

RespectfullyCarol Garrow AIDO retired