Time to Spring into action to clean up

Spring clean up in Saugeen Shores starts today, April 17th, and continues to April 23rd.

The event encourages local groups and organizations, neighbourhoods, family or friends to pick an outdoor area of Saugeen Shores to ‘spring clean’ together. The community is welcome to participate individually, too.

Check out our local parks and trails to choose a location.

Once your clean-up is complete, please place the trash in an easily accessible and identifiable location. Email Cassidy at cassidy.kazimer@saugeenshores.ca or call 519-832-2008 ext 125 to report how many bags of trash and the location of the trash to be picked up.

Unable to coordinate an individual or group clean-up? Join us for a 20 minute community-wide clean-up on April 22nd at 2:00 p.m. Head outdoors and clean-up the area directly around your home, business or neighbourhood and see what you can collect in 20 minutes. The 20 minute makeover kicks off at 2:00 p.m. and takes place on Earth Day. No registration required.

What can you collect in 20 minutes? Share your photos with us @SaugeenShoresON on Facebook or Instagram.