Letter to the Editor:
Open letter to COUNCIL:
“It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.”
… Thomas Sowell.
Our recent election proved, though, that paying the price for being wrong actually has consequences.For over three years the public has been shut out of every decision surrounding the CCV. Repeated exceptional deputations, pre-council speeches, the ‘right’ to speak, endless letters and e-mails have been scorched by a council intent on ignoring the ‘experts’. To turn a blind eye to shrinking our number one industry, tourism, is beyond comprehension but the manner in which Council and senior administration have fumbled this process is alarming. To declare the beach ’surplus’ when it is actually high demand real estate conquers all sane reasoning!Democracy, in its quirky form, has returned some incumbents unchallenged. Your uncontested return does not define voter approval.The over-whelming majority (results of TWO surveys and now election results) does NOT want a large two story commercial 20,000 sq. ft. incongruity covering valuable beach that will alter the long accepted tone of a “family orientated” destination. For 140 years of tourism the message has not swerved. For that very reason, the increasing popularity of our beach destination stipulates that this winning formula be pampered, not uglified! For the umpteenth time, the BEACH is the number one drawing card not what you cover it with!You are responsible for creating the unnecessary rift within our community by side stepping and alienating the very people effected the most. 25% of this community is on official record as objectors. The election result more than amplifies the community’s disapproval. The annual tourist influx tells the tale.START OVER! Your obtrusive approach has cost developers thousands of dollars with no end in sight. That same approach has cost taxpayers tens of thousands of dollars fighting the system you should have been supporting. If only you’d followed your own costly plans. Your calculation has become dogged foolishness in refusing to recognize the malaise you have nurtured. START OVER!“Admitting your mistake will pave the way to public trust.” Heal the community split! Include the long vanquished stakeholders. That will guarantee a project our community would be proud of.Congratulations to the four new councillors. Each campaign was impressive! It will be a novel affair having councillors who actually engage constituents on CCV issues. Having ’transparency’ (a Municipal Act proviso) back in the ring is highly anticipated and the reinstatement of the Waterfront Advisory Committee will, by edict, direct any further beach development. That was a pointed demand by the Waterfront Master Plan authors. You may have unwisely cemented yourself, the community and future generations with a 50 year lease but within that lease there is much leeway as we have already witnessed.START OVER and get it right!Wayne McGrathPort Elgin