The modern facility shown is located in the tourist town of Tobermory, the others shown, are located off Huron Street in Southampton.
The facility in Tobermory is located on the commercial side of the harbour area and is connected to the town sewer system, has flush toilets and wash hand basins. There are two other permanent facilities in the harbour, one located adjacent to the tour boat berths, the other at the Chi-Cheemaun base.
comments re these two “Johnny on the spots” during Covid, also noting at that time, that with the high lake level, many of the dunes had been washed away, thus creating more beach area. Now viewing this beach area between South and Bay streets, which also continues on toward Gerry’s. It is probably the largest beach by area in Saugeen Shores. Approximately 1 kilometer in length, lots of sand on the beach and at the water’s edge. According to our beachcomber neighbours, it is the best beach in town.
Several years ago, I did submit
It is now 2022 and these disgusting antique facilities located off Huron Street are still there. The South Street location is close to sewer and water lines located on Huron Street. The Bay Street location is adjacent to the town Water system pump house, which I am sure is already into sewer and water lines. Surely it is about time to follow the example of Tobermory and other locations re decency and cleanliness, for our residents and tourist visitors to town.
Restricted street side parking exists at both intersections, which are the only accesses to this beach area. Unlike the Shore Road north of the Saugeen River, where there are beach accesses every 150 metres between properties. Mayor Charbonneau did say at the recent council meeting, that the town is the largest property owner within the town limits.
As a final comment, the excellent Lamont Sports Park will be opening in 9 months, I am sure that there will be a proper washroom facility eventually. Hopefully in the interim or permanently, we will have the Tobermory style washroom as opposed to the Southampton style. With my background in engineering and construction, I do realize that there will be a capital cost to do this. Minuscule in comparison to the $25,000,000 ?, that the town plans to spend on a Y Rec. Centre facility in Port Elgin.
Allan Murray