To the Editor:
We are about to enter into a critical path of negotiations, about the Port Elgin Water front!
Here is my opinion.
The Cedar Crescent Village (CCV) name conjures up the feeling of the past.
But really what was the past really like? Before Bruce Power, before the Cedar Crescent dance hall and casino.
When the earlier settlers arrived.
In the 1900’s there was a serious decline in population but the people didn’t abandon the town. They stayed, and why?
The gift of Mother Nature brought friends and family together.
The beach drew visitors from all over to enjoy playing in the sand, relaxing with the sound of waves crashing on the shoreline, watching the thunderstorms roll in over the lake.
Summer cottages began to spring up along the shoreline. Many are still here today. Executives, from Woolworths, Singer, Doctors, Lawyers and families from the city, came here for the summer to relax and get away from the hustle and bustle of the city life.
Fast forward to today.
The world’s largest Nuclear Power plant is in our back yard. It has provided jobs for decades. Hopefully, decades more.
I’ve read comments that pertain to the past way too much.
Do you think the memories of the past, dangled in front, and used as a means of persuasion does any good?
I’ve seen posts relating to Cake wheels, bingos, train rides, dances, and, Yes, I have been guilty of recalling my memories too.
How does that help today and tomorrow?
Folks say – I want our children to have those experiences. The truth to the matter is, they won’t. Times have changed.
I’ve heard it was the Beachers who shut the carnivals down. For the record that is false! This is not problem solving but inciting people to have a reaction.
But we can create new memories for them. We need to ask what is it that our youth like to do?
Also, considerations should be given to our aging population such as the benches, ramps, close proximity to access the Harbour.
I wholeheartedly believe that what the majority of people want is:
1. An up-kept facility that provides food and beverage.
2. A place they can go barefoot to watch their kids have fun.
3. The Flea Market or a version of it.
4. According to the 2018 harbour strategic report the boaters want to be able to “walk” to get a meal, or have it delivered.
What I have observed is there is not a lot of mention of a convention hall from the “Make the Parking lot great again” site.
I do know the Beach Preservers are 100 percent opposed, as am I.
I feel that this CCV is an over developed idea. Is it necessary to squeezing everything into one place? Can we not spread some of the ideas to other areas of Saugeen Shores so that a day trip or two may keep a boater here for more than just one day?
Do we really want this for our merchants up town?
Is it too much to ask for the development to sit back on the blueprint of the original RFP?
Patty Bowman