In December, 2021, Saugeen Shores Mayor Luke Charbonneau announced at the Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation’s Light the Way Radiothon that the Town would pledge $250,000 over five years to the Bring TOM to Town CT scanner fundraising campaign.
On Wednesday (May 11th), the Mayor presented the first instalment of $50,000 to Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation (SMHF) Chair, Stacey Catalano, and CT campaign Co-Chair Jennifer Scongack.

“A well-equipped hospital is essential to support the high quality of life that we all enjoy in Saugeen Shores,” said Mayor Luke Charbonneau. “A new CT scanner will allow Saugeen Memorial Hospital to better serve our residents and help us to recruit new primary care providers to practice in our growing community.”
The Hospital Foundation’s annual Spring Campaign is underway, with the focus on getting to the finish line of the ‘Bring TOM to Town’ CT campaign.
“Residents and businesses are urged to watch their mailboxes for the campaign letter that will contain information about several upcoming fun family community events taking place this summer in support of the CT campaign,” said Foundation Executive Director, Tracy Murray. “There will be a contest for the opportunity to win a private tour for the winner and 11 friends of the new ‘Three Sheets Brewery’, due to open in Port Elgin, and will also include dinner for the group at the popular Wismer House following the tour.”
According to Murray, the CT campaign currently is just over 75% ($2,350,000) toward its $3 million goal (which includes the $250,000 pledge from the Town). “We are so appreciative of the support from the community,” said Murray. “We are looking forward to the upcoming Grand Fondo this summer and are excited that we will return to an in-person event. We encourage everyone to watch for upcoming news about the event.”