As part of the Town’s on-going commitment to inform residents and property owners of Town projects, the Engineering Department held a public open house to present the road reconstruction projects that have been planned planned for 2019 in Southampton.

Staff were available on May 14th at the Southampton Town Hall from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. to explaine the following projects that are going ahead:
- Emerald Street (Albert St. to bend)
- Albert Street (Emerald St. to Palmerston St.)
- Grosvenor Street/trail (Island St. to Chantry view Dr.)
- Palmerston Street (Albert St. to Victoria St.)
- Victoria Street (Palmerston St. to the water tower.)
- McNabb Street (Railway St. to Peel St.)
- Beach Street (Lake St. to Huron St.)
Discussion items, including construction timing, access to properties, garbage collection, parking, work hours and design elements for each street, were laid out. The reconstruction will enable new water mains to be installed to upgrade the system and increase flow to the water tower, new paving, gutters and, in some cases sidewalks.