On August 9th, Saugeen Shores residents are encouraged to tune it to the virtual Council meeting, and to review the agenda package to see the proposed changes to the Traffic and Parking Bylaws.
The changes are in response to four-way Stop Requests, Speed Limit Modification Requests and to implement the recommendations from the Transportation Master Plan. The proposed changes include:
New All-Way Stops:
– Grosvenor Street and Morpeth Street
– Green Street and Waterloo Street
– Green Street and Bruce Street
– Huron Street and High Street
– Catherine Street and Waterloo Street
– Maple Street and Wellington Street
New Speed Limits:
– 60km/hr on Concession 4 from highway 21 to the lake
– 60km/hr on Concession 6 between the existing 40km/hr (east of highway 21) and Sideroad 13/14
– Concession 10 from east of Cutter Road to highway 21
– Universal speed limit of 40km/hr within the urban area, with some exceptions such as Goderich Street, Gustavus Street, North Shore Road, and Carlisle Street.
New Parking Restrictions:
· Restrict parking on South Street at Huron street to the south side only to Victoria Street
· Prohibit parking on both sides on Huron Street from South Street to Albert street
· Restrict parking on Island Street from Lake Street to the extension of Grosvenor Street
· Parking to be restricted within 10m of an intersection, of 15m from a signalized intersection
· Creation of Community Safety Zones around the schools and hospital
· No stopping zones in front of schools, specifically Waterloo Street, Stafford Street and Gustavus Street
To find out more details, and read the staff report, it can be found online at https://calendar.saugeenshores.ca/meetings
To watch it live, or to view the recording after the meeting, you can access it at https://calendar.saugeenshores.ca/meetings
After the meeting, residents will be able to provide comments until September 3rd, when staff will then review and either incorporate the comments or provide responses when the final version is presented to Council on September 13th. Once approved by Council, the bylaw will be updated and signs installed and enforced.
Comments can be received by email at amanda.froese@saugeenshores.ca.