Local union support for the Lamont Sports Park Illuminating Dreams campaign continues to grow with two new donations. The Power Workers Union has given $55,000 to fund one of two accessible connectors from the Saugeen Rail Trail to the park. As well, the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers Local 128 has given a $10,000 Home Run Donation to the park campaign.
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“The generous donation from the Power Workers Union funds an essential park element,” says Campaign Co-Chair Rob Stanley. “The PWU Trail will not only link the Saugeen Rail Trail with the park, but it will also provide an alternate route that is safe and accessible for pedestrians, cyclists and mobility devices.”
“On behalf of the PWU members at the Bruce and provincially, we are proud to be a part of the Lamont Sports Park’s great community fundraising initiative as it progresses towards its next phase and completion,” said Bob Masterson, PWU Sector Representative – Bruce Site. “The Town has developed and constructed this world-class facility for accessibility and safety. It will be a focal point of activity and a great addition to the community.”
The PWU and Boilermakers donations means seven provincial labour unions have now donated to the park’s Phase 2 development with a total contribution of $155,000.
“We are pleased to make a donation to the development of this wonderful recreational facility,” said Roy Grills, the Business Manager for Boilermakers Local 128. “Many of our members live here in Saugeen Shores. They will enjoy this Park for many years into the future and for that, we thank you.”
“We thank the Boilermakers for their generous funding,” said Stanley. “Labour unions represent a large segment of workers who reside in Saugeen Shores. They recognize the importance of supporting projects that enrich communities where their members live, work and play. The Lamont Sports Park Illuminating Dreams campaign is proud to have our Labour Unions as community partners.”
The fundraising committee presents its final report to Council on Tuesday, October 11th, as it wraps up the last of the campaign donations. The committee says its fundraising efforts have essentially ended, but they expect to announce a few more donations by the end of the month.