With more than 40 vendors of all things vegan, a handful of passionate guest speakers, a drum circle to create healing and powerful energy, cooking demonstrations, yoga, a kids zone, and much more, the first ever Grey Bruce VegFest to be held on Saturday, July 13, 2019 at the Plex in Port Elgin, is one festival you do not want to miss this summer.
Doris Kun, festival organizer and owner of the Pea Pod, a vegan restaurant in Port Elgin, said VegFest is all about celebrating plant based and vegan lifestyle.
“I am trying to promote and inspire our community to choose a more compassionate and greener way of living,” she added.
Having been to a few VegFest’s herself, Kun said that it was time for Grey Bruce to get in on all the action and fun.
“Bringing VegFest to Grey Bruce county will showcase local businesses and will give our community the opportunity to try delicious new plant based foods at one incredible event,” she said.
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Kun added that people should expect a fun-filled and delicious day, fuelling their bodies and minds with nourishing foods and wisdom, with plenty to see and do.
“Everyone is welcome to visit VegFest,” she concluded.
The festival runs from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. with an admission of $5 (children 12 and under are free).
Kun said, they are still looking for volunteers to help throughout the day and if interested, please e-mail Grey Bruce VegFest at greybrucevegfest@outlook.com
In addition, there is an ongoing art contest for the littlest pea pods ages 2 to 12, where they are encouraged to draw their favourite vegetables, fruits and/or animal.
The drawing is to be dropped off at the Pea Pod by Friday, July 12, 2019 where it will then be displayed and judged at VegFest by those in attendance. Five prizes of 5 free mini-smoothies from the Pea Pod are up for grabs.
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For sneak peeks and more information about the festival, please visit www.greybrucevegfest.com or follow Grey Bruce VegFest on Instagram and Facebook.