Surrounded by his family, Canadian Stan Barton received a special honour when Port Elgin Legion Branch 340 presented a special gift for his service in the United States Marine Corp.
A Canadian, Stan’s older sister had married an American and, as a young man, Stan thought it would be “neat” to move to the U.S. Thinking the quickest way to citizenship would be to enlist in the Marines, he did just that.
It was also the time of the Vietnam war.
While the Canadian Government did not ‘officially’ participate in the war, Stan, along with more than 20,000 other Canadians, including many First Nations, served in Vietnam. “It was an unwinnable war,” Barton softly said reflectively.
Legion Padre, Rev. Chuck Beaton, also added that the service men were treated terribly on their return home. “Unlike other wars, they were not treated as heroes and they should have been.”

Today, March 5th (2020) however, Stan Barton was recognized for his service with the presentation of a Quilt of Valour that arrived especially from the United States Quilts of Valor Foundation, given his Marine service. The quilts are awarded to military service members and veterans who have been touched by war.

Each quilt is unique, made by volunteers, and represents a ‘hug’ for a veteran. Each also bears a unique name and also the names of those who created it and comes with a Certificate of Appreciation for service.
“Port Elgin Legion is honoured to be able to present this special Quilt of Valor to Stan,” said Legion President, Bob Harrison. “It doesn’t matter the country of service or the branch of service, every veteran is special.”
History of the Quilts of Valor
The Quilts of Valor Foundation is an international organization founded in 2003 by “Blue Star” mom Catherine Roberts in the United States. With a son deployed in Iraq – a gunner sitting atop a Humvee – she felt ten seconds away from panic 24-hours a day, every day.
A Quilt of Valor is made of three layers and each layer has own special meaning:
- The top with its many colors, shapes and fabrics represents the communities and the many individuals we are.
- The batting, the filler, is the center of the quilt, its warmth. It represents our hope that this quilt will bring warmth, comfort, peace and healing to the individual who receives it.
- The backing is the strength that supports the other layers. It represents the strength of the recipient, the support of his or her family, our communities, and our nation.
- Each stitch that holds the layers together represents love, gratitude, and sometimes the tears of the maker.
For more on the history, visit Quilts of Valor
February 1, 2020 Quilters from across Canada gathered for the second annual National Sew Day in community halls, churches, and quilt shops that donated their space. There were 19 events from Newfoundland through Alberta with a total of 148 participants.
There are more than 185,000 Veterans in Canada.
For more Canadian information, visit Quilts of Valor