VIBES brings a message and guest speaker reinforces it

The week of July 24th to the 28th was an exciting time when SouthPort Pentecostal Church held its annual summer camp for kids.

The outdoor camp featured a variety of activities, from soccer to outdoor exercises, led by more than 60 volunteer coaches/counsellors.  Many of the volunteers are teens who register through the Woodstock Movement Church, take time from their summer jobs and pay a fee to attend.

               Many volunteers make the camp an annual success – For larger view, Click on Image
                   Pastor David Baker

The camp was entirely free to families, other than a food item was requested for the local Food Bank.  “This camp is meant to be accessible for all in Saugeen Shores,” says Pastor David Baker.  “For some kids, this is the highlight of their summer.  We had 184 registered this year, the most we have ever had and most are already wanting to pre-register for next year.”


“We also have to thank the community for their support,” said Pastor Baker.  ” We have had incredible support from many business such as  Chapman’s for their wonderful ice creams, Foodland, Tim Hortons for their unbelievable support through breakfast muffins, lemonade and Tim Bits, Subway, the Queen’s Bar & Grill, and the Holiday Express and Quality Inns for their generous help with hotel rooms.  The Town of Saugeen Shores, working with Lisa Billings, has also been so supportive with helping to line the soccer fields and provide the traffic control pilons.  It’s just amazing how the community comes together when supporting our kids.”

Retired police officer, Doug Lein, on-site for traffic security

While at the camp, there is not an electronic device in site.  It is all about being in the out-of-doors, participating in physical activities and making new friends.

Security is also paramount with a special parent-child identification process in place and retired policeman, Doug Lein on-site.


For larger view, Click on Image

Each summer, there is a theme at camp that has a special emphasis.  This year’s theme was VIBES – a message that each could take away … V for valuable, I for influential, B for brave, E for encouraging and S for selflessness.  Each letter was a lesson on how each child should look at themselves, others and how to become a better human being.  The giant ‘VIBE’ sign is still visible from the highway and was created and donated by Currie Construction of Kincardine.

This year’s camp also featured guest speaker, Anthony Lee-Ingram, a former renowned basketball player who has played in countries around the world from Australia to Norway, Romania to Cyprus, Macedonia, Romania and Germany.

It was an exciting time as Lee-Ingram took part in the closing ceremonies of the summer camp, encouraging kids to follow their passions.


Lee-Ingram was also guest speaker on Sunday July 30th, at Southport Pentecostal Church (Carlisle Rd., hwy 21) for a non-denominational service where everyone was invited to hear the inspirational speaker.