Volunteers needed to fight phragmites

Janice Gilbert, Executive Director of the Invasive Phragmites Control Centre was at MacGregor Point Provincial Park leading a workshop on Phragmites control and removal on Tuesday August 28th. 

                                                                     Volunteers make a difference

This was made possible through the generous support of Resource Management initiatives by Bruce Power. See a video by Janice explaining the hazard and methods of removal.

Approximately 10 years ago, Saugeen Shores had a very effective campaign to eradicate phragmites from the beaches using the efforts of many volunteers, and it remains nicely under control.  However, it is a very serious problem in much of Southern Ontario, particularly around the Great Lakes.

On Tuesday, we made considerable headway on a lakeside patch near the Visitor Centre but more volunteers are needed to help us continue with this eradication. 

 If you would like to help, come to the MacGregor Park Visitor Centre at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday September 4th or Wednesday September 5th.