Every year, a family can be touched by dementia or Alzheimer’s. While it is often thought of as an ‘old’ person’s disease, it has been proven that is not the case as it can also strike those who are in their middle years.
Losing someone into the abyss of what becomes complete memory loss is painful for the family as they see their loved one lose recognition of those they once held dear.
On Saturday, May 27th Mother Nature brought her best as many family members gathered in warm and sunny weather at Fairy Lake in Southampton for the annual Walk for Memories, a fundraiser for Alzheimer’s.
Janet Stephen of the Alzheimers Society Grey-Bruce
Hosted by IG Wealth Management across Canada, the company and its consultants have raised more than $41 million over the years. This year, in Grey Bruce $45,000 has been raised to date with more on-line pledges coming in.

A star fundraiser in Saugeen Shores, Ernie Oliver, continues to raise funds each year in memory of his mother. This year, he has raised almost $4,000 with more pledges coming in. When asked what he attributes his fundraising success to, he replied, “All I do is ask people. I go to businesses and knock on doors … people here are very generous especially when they know that all the money raised here, stays here local.”
The Walk Begins – for larger view, Click on Image
For more information about Alzheimer’s or how to donate, CLICK HERE