Located in the heart of Saugeen Shores is the therapeutic riding centre, PRANCE.

PRANCE (Pegasus Riding Association Nurturing Challenged Equestrians) is a registered, non-profit charitable organization that has been in operation since 1992. New Executive Director and Volunteer Co-ordinator Anne-Marie Johnston wants to welcome an awareness and promotion of PRANCE so that others can learn more about the wonderful healing that is taking place therein. PRANCE conducts various programs specifically designed to aid the emotional, physical and social development of individuals/riders through their experiences and activities with horses.
The programs are developed for individuals with physical, emotional and/or intellectual limitations or disabilities.
The participants of the therapeutic riding programs learn such skills as grooming the horses, getting them ready for the riding sessions (tacking up) and riding the horses while engaging in equestrian riding activities. The programs are led by certified trainers and the horses in the program are chosen for their patient and gentle temperament among other characteristics and skills and are qualified from Horse Committee members.
Some of the benefits of the therapeutic riding programs include: developing a rider’s equestrian abilities and horsemanship, balance and co-ordination, increasing strength and flexibility and building self-esteem and self-confidence. The programs are offered in both spring and fall for ten weeks and day camps during the year are also offered.
New this year at PRANCE, is another type of therapy with the use of horses namely, Hippotherapy. In Hippotherapy, the horse itself is the therapy tool. The movement of the horse being similar to the human gait stimulates postural and muscular reactions on the rider. The rider will take different positions on the horse to stimulate affected muscle groups. Therapeutic goals are not only physical but cognitive and behavioural as well and it doesn’t take long for the rider to development a bond with the horse by enjoying contact with the horse.

Hippotherapy can be of benefit to those aged 3 years old and up and who have poor posture or body awareness, neuromuscular or neurological disorders, sensory or speech disorders or orthopedic issues.
The Hippotherapy sessions are one on one session’s provided by newcomer to PRANCE, Sandra Hall. Sandra Hall is a registered physiotherapist with over 20 years of experience in her field. If you think you or someone you know may benefit from Hippotherapy or for more information, contact Sandra Hall at Sandra Hall Physiotherapy at (519) 270-6528 or via email at shallphysio12@gmail.com.

PRANCE is a hidden gem in the heart of Saugeen Shores wherein new miracles of healing happen daily. Let PRANCE contribute to enriching your own or a loved one’s life by becoming a client, volunteer, donor or promoter of PRANCE. By being involved in all of the healing work that is offered there, so many hearts and horses will be the better for it.
PRANCE can also be contacted at (519) 832-2522 or via email at info@prance.ca or learn more on their website at www.prance.ca.