‘Wiz’ patrons rewarded for acting responsibly: Don’t drink & Drive

Jeff Carver, owner of the Wismer House, Manager Laura McInnes and Clint Turcotte    have come up with a win-win!

Patrons who may have imbibed a little too much may find a ticket on their windshield.  It’s not a parking ticket however, but a redeemable coupon for $10.  What’s behind the idea?

“We want to encourage our patrons to act responsibly and not drive after they have had a couple of drinks,” says owner Jeff Carver.  “If they leave their vehicle overnight in our parking area, they will have a $10 gift coupon for their next visit.”

The idea is so great that it was picked up by major networks, including Fox News in the U.S.

Comments on the Wismer’s facebook page range from “Awesome” to “Great” to “wish other places did this”!