As everyone knows, the past 18 months have been trying for everyone: navigating the pandemic, the constantly changing protocols, lockdowns and fear of the unknown. With the vaccine rollout, we’re seeing some changes, and perhaps even hope. But, for those who live in a situation of power, control and abuse, these ups and downs have been very difficult to navigate. Women’s House has always been there to help them find hope in a situation where they feel hopeless and helpless. But, the restrictions surrounding the pandemic make it even more challenging.
Not only is the Women’s House Serving Bruce & Grey shelter restricted to half capacity (to ensure social distancing), but depending on the lockdowns, restrictions and protocols outlined by the government, which must be adhered to, we have had to navigate limiting our support to phone calls and on-line video platforms in order to communicate with those that need us most. These are less than desirable options when trying to support someone in crisis, but we have managed to make it work…. because we have to.
The women and children we support need us, and they have run out of options.
Our supportive community recognizes the work we do, and that it never ends, pandemic or not. And they know that our government funding only covers part of the costs for us to do the work that is so vital to these women and children who have faced abuse.
So we are so thankful when our generous Sponsors come back each year to help us financially, as Ontario Power Generation (OPG) did (see photo: Lynda Cain, OPG and Michelle Lamont, WH). Ontario Power Generation has been a dedicated annual Sponsor of Women’s House Serving Bruce & Grey for many years, and has again sponsored us with a $2,500 donation in our Friend Sponsor Level.
And we are so appreciative when local service clubs find it in their hearts to make a donation to support the work we do, like the Kincardine Lions Club did. The Kincardine Lions Club donated $1,000 towards our new outdoor living and playground space, so our residents can have a safe, secure space to get fresh air and exercise when they stay with us.
And when those in our community want to help, and they create a host event and dedicate the funds raised to Women’s House, we are overjoyed, because we know that they are working along with us to create a safe space for those we serve.
We are so grateful to the Chantry Island Chambettes and all those involved in the planning, organizing and hosting the Women at the Wheel event generously held at Peninsula Ford in Port Elgin recently.
The Car Lady herself, Christine Mitchell, did a fantastic job educating and entertaining the attendees on car care, and in the process, helped to raise $2,230 in ticket sales and donations.
With so many generous community members out there, we feel like we’re in good hands, and we’re grateful that with support like this we’ll be able to continue to help the women and children throughout Bruce & Grey counties that need us to be there for them.