Youth of today lead the way to tomorrow


Kai was presented with the first 2022 Huron Shore Run T-shirt – for larger view click on image

The future is in safe hands if 11-year-old Kai Bailey is an example.

Kai has been participating in the Rotary Huron Shores Run literally since he was a baby.  He began with the children’s run and in a stroller with runner, mom Karly Johnson.

In the past, prior to COVID, the Rotary Huron Shore Run fundraiser has been in support of  the local Saugeen Memorial Hospital, Saugeen Track & Field Club of young athletes and community Rotary projects.  This year, however, proceeds will be dedicated to the hospital and its fundraising campaign for a new CT scanner to serve the region.


Last year, Kai raised $1,315 and was a top individual fundraiser.  This year, however, being the athlete that he is, there was a conflict.  With the Run on Saturday, June 4th, he will be out of town at a hockey tournament, but that didn’t stop him from running or fundraising.

Kai still wanted to participate because he didn’t want to miss the run or a chance to donate to Rotary because he knows that it is so important to the town and his school.  So, he decided to run the 5K anyway and, on Tuesday, May 31st, he headed out on the 5K route to again raise funds and complete his mission.

For larger view, Click on Image

He started out at the CIBC branch on High Street in Southampton with school friends and ran a circuit of 5K, with Rotarians present to ensure that the 5K route was completed.  They needn’t have worried however, as Kai ran the route and then insisted on running further to ensure that the 5K was met as family, friends and Rotarians cheered him on.

                                                                          Coming to the end …                                                                             

Donations can still be made to Kai’s fundraising efforts at:

        Proud Mom, Karly and son, Kai