Bruce County Museum appreciates its volunteers

“Without the volunteers, we could not do what we do,” said Matt Smith, Volunteer Coordinator at the Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre.

Smith was referring to the many volunteers who assist at the Museum, most of whom attended the Volunteer Appreciation award presentation and luncheon on Wednesday,  April 17th (2024).


Among the recognitions were the Ontario Service Awards for volunteers who have been active with the Museum for five, 10 and 15 years:

5 years: Muriel Shular

Theodore Miller (absent)

10 years:

Robert Campbell (absent)

                                                           15 years:
Vermayle Longmuir

In addition to the Ontario Service awards, pins were also given to volunteers for their hours of service from 100, 200, 500 and 1,000.

100 hours:
Monique Perrault Drake
Kim Fulton
John Park
Robert Pawley
Carol Walberg (absent)


Lou Vanderploeg

200 hours:
Jessie Callaghan
Lou Vanderploeg





                                 500 hours: Muriel Shular 

1,000 hours:
Garth Campbell

Garth Campbell with Archivist Deb Sturdevent







Honorable Mention for Joanne Vogel and Trudy Schwass for completing over 700 hours of volunteer work in the Bruce County Archives




Randy Schnaar recognized for his many hours