Homelessness at a tipping point in Ontario – a systemic crisis that requires bold,...

The Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) today (Jan. 9/25) released a comprehensive and somewhat discouraging report titled “Municipalities Under Pressure: The Growing Human...

Labour Day Parade in Port Elgin celebrates workers and their contributions

As communities across the country mark Labour Day by celebrating workers and their contributions, Canada’s unions are highlighting the important role that unions actually...

Housing predicament increasing due to red tape and overregulation – what is going on?

The topic of the day, not only in Ontario but across Canada, is affordable housing. It is being discussed by almost all levels of...

Reader questions legality of proposed beach development

To the Editor: Thank you to Patrica Frank for drawing my attention to this serious matter. The Port Elgin Beach Preservers is a very large...

A Joint Statement from Kincardine Pride and the Grey Bruce Labour Council

Without each of us embracing the entire width and breadth of the vast diversity amongst us, the future of society is not sustainable. Recent events,...


What is the Vimy Memorial? It is Canada's most impressive tribute overseas to those Canadians who fought and gave their lives in the First World...

Saugeen Shores Mayor’s statement on former Prime Minister Mulroney

Like so many Canadians, I was saddened to learn last month of the death of our former Prime Minister, the Right Honourable Brian Mulroney. Since...

Parents be aware – keep your kids safe online

February 8th was #SaferInternetDay and, today, as frightening as it may seem, more than 77% of children ages 9-17 have a smart phone, giving...

No one is immune: Beware of scams – both phone and computer

This week has been quite eventful personally when it comes to scams. First, I was contacted by phone with a 'Private Number' showing on my...

Housing continues to be a burden across all demographics

In a recent report to Bruce County Council by Tania Dickson, Housing Services Manager Bruce County, housing appears to still be in dire straits...

The Field of Crosses – remembering the Fallen

Looking across the country each November, one of most poignant remembrances is the over 3,500 crosses that stand as silent reminders along five acres...

ALS – a disease that attacks regardless of gender, ethnicity or age

Although its official name is Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, it is better known by three little letters - ALS ... and Jamie Hingston, only in...

The Caring Benches – by Larry McIntosh

by Larry McIntosh Don’t forget about these blue benches, one in Port Elgin at Coulter Parkette and another in Southampton by the town hall. As...

Protecting deer populations from illegal unethical hunting practices

  Why is that some hunters continue to skirt around things like licenses and stalk animals out of season? For instance, the Ontario government is attempting...