A Ministerial Message: Southampton United Church


A Mnisterial Message: Central Grey Bruce Cooperative Ministry


A disheartening health care experience

To the Editor; If you're fortunate enough to have a family doctor in Saugeen Shores, count yourself among the lucky ones. But even with a...

New Perspectives: Take 5 with Dar – Amazing Teen


A Ministerial Message: Port Elgin United Church


A Ministerial Message: Southampton United Church


A Ministerial Message: SouthPort Pentecostal Church


A Ministerial Message: Avondale United Church Stratford


A Ministerial Message: Central Grey Bruce Cooperative Ministry


Labour Day Parade in Port Elgin celebrates workers and their contributions

As communities across the country mark Labour Day by celebrating workers and their contributions, Canada’s unions are highlighting the important role that unions actually...

PROBUS speakers bring a wealth of knowledge in many fields

September is the start of the Saugeen Shores Men's PROBUS club New Year and, on the first Tuesday of each month, the club meets...

Back to School on the DGR

Dear Editor, As many in our area are heading back to school, it's occurred to me that many of my neighbours here in South Bruce...