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Canadian Community News is a hyper-local news source brought to you by the Saugeen Times, Kincardine Times, Walkerton News and the Grey-Wellington Times. We are locally owned, supported and operated. 

It is supported wholly by our advertisers – we are not a conglomerate.  We would like to both expand and go more in depth in the area.  You can help us by donating and becoming a supporter of our efforts.

You can donate by major credit card or PayPal by clicking the secure donate button shown below. 

NOTE: IF YOU DON’T HAVE A PAYPAL ACCOUNT, add the amount you wish to donate and select ‘Donate with a card’. You will then be able to fill out your card details.

If you have a PayPal account, enter the amount you wish to donate and select ‘Donate with PayPal’. You will be able to login and make your donation.

Thank you, your patronage is appreciated!

Sandy Lindsay
Owner and Editor