Saturday at Foodland was a hive of activity as several local Ontario producers arrived with their products, in tandem with the Foodland Summer Truck excursion that had also visited communities such as Wiarton and Bayfield.
Southampton customers lined up to meet the local producers and sample their wares from delicious burgers to sweet honey, European baked goods to pickles and delicious chocolate milk,
“Millers Dairy milk sold in glass returnable bottles is extremely popular,” said Foodland owner, Martino Catalano. “It seems as though people again appreciate the value of the old-fashioned milk bottle.”
Owner Martino Catalano with his suppliers of local products“We are very proud that we support local producers,” added Catalano. “As I have said in the past, people want to know where their food is coming from, now more than ever.”
The well-known European Bakery of Owen Sound served samples of their homemade lasagna, meatballs and sausage rolls, all of which are available in-store at Foodland.
Select Premium Foods distributor focuses on local products. “We help small producers market and distribute their products to stores like Foodland,” said owners Andrew and Crystal Rayner.
While being able to enjoy the free samples, customers were also able to donate to the Saugeen First Nations’ Kabaeshiwim Respite Women’s Shelter that provides Emergency shelter for women and their children 24 hours and feeds up to four families. The length of stay depends on the situation, but the average is 6-8 weeks crisis accommodation and two weeks for housing.
Also while enjoying the samples, customers were able to sit and relax and listen to music provided by the duo Katrina Strong and Brandon Marlow of ‘The Sweetheart Band’, who play at a wide variety of venues (contact: 519-379-9998).
Foodland is a supporter of local producers and features local products throughout the store. For its promotion of local products, Foodland Southampton recently received a provincial award.