On April 25th to 28th, interested Grade 10 and 11 students at Saugeen District Senior School (SDSS) and St. Mary’s of Owen Sound were invited to apply for the 2022 Rotary Youth Leadership Awards, the 2022 Adventures in Citizenship program and Rotary Youth Exchange for 2023-24.
In addition to promoting the benefits, challenges and particulars involved in becoming an outbound Rotary exchange student, students were also invited to consider their family as a possible three-month billet for an in-bound Rotary exchange student. Parents who would be willing to adopt an exchange student into their family for three months are asked to contact Dave Bertrand, at portelgindave@gmail.com or the Youth Exchange Officer at their local Rotary Club.
Students were also challenged to consider this year’s Rotary Youth Leadership Awards seminar, which will take place Friday evening, May 13th, and Saturday, May 14th. Budding leaders are invited by their local Rotary Clubs, to develop their skills through guest speakers, seminars and workshops, where the participants learn, discuss, and practice leadership skills.
Similarly, a four-day Adventures in Citizenship workshop, spanning May 27-30, was promoted to students as a means to further develop their citizenship skills. Virtual tours, lectures, discussions and social events comprise this experience, which aims to enhance students’ understanding and appreciation of Canadian citizenship.
Due to Covid-19 precautions, both RYLA and Adventures in Citizenship programs are taking to an online format this year. Costs for both workshops will be borne by a local Rotary club.