In a recent media release, Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority (SVCA) announced that it is hiring an interim General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer to lead the course of conservation throughout the Saugeen Valley watershed jurisdiction following the retirement of current General Manager/ Secretary-Treasurer, Wayne Brohman, who will be retiring on October 31st.

Dick Hibma, from the Owen Sound area and who will take over responsibilities at SVCA, has extensive knowledge and understanding of conservation and Conservation Authorities as he was Chair of Grey Sauble Conservation Authority (GSCA) for a total of 23 years and was Chair of Conservation Ontario, the umbrella organization for all 36 Conservation Authorities across Ontario, for 13 years.
“On behalf of SVCA’s Board of Directors, we are extremely fortunate to have an individual of this caliber,” says Dan Gieruszak, Chair of Saugeen Conservation.
Hibma is looking forward to his new role at Saugeen Conservation. “I have had the honour of working in the conservation field for over 23 years on the governance side,” he said. “I see this as a unique opportunity to utilize some of the talents and knowledge I have gained over the years, and to work with staff and directors in furthering the grass-roots conservation efforts of Saugeen Valley Conservation.
Hibma is also very familiar with the ‘watershed management model’ which is the effective signature brand of all Conservation Authorities across Ontario in the results-oriented implementation of conservation measures.
He will take on his role at SVCA, starting next week, October 28th.