From the ravages of war-torn Aleppo, Syria where the Al Ibrahim family lost all that they owned, to today (Wed. Dec. 8th), the family had reason to celebrate.
The Saugeen Shores Police Service boardroom was a bedlam of delight today as members of the family officially became Canadian citizens.

The family arrived from Syria in 2016 as refugees sponsored by the Saugeen Shores Refugee Fund with assistance from the Mennonite Community Council and shared sponsorship with the Canadian government.
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Through the office of Huron Bruce MP Ben Lobb, over a two-year period, Pat O’Connor assisted the family with the reams of paperwork required and organized the swearing in through the virtual connection, conducted by Michael D. Scott.

Father Saad and nine of his children raised their right hands and solemnly swore the Oath of Allegiance to the Queen and Canada.
Scott, the son and grandson of immigrants and a first-generation Canadian, encouraged those who became citizens on Wednesday to also take part in volunteering. As a member of the Order of Canada, Scott has also provided dedicated support and leadership to the Scouting movement, where he served as Chief Commissioner and Chairman of Scouts Canada’s board of governors. He welcomed all the new citizens into “the Canadian family”.