Dress up in your best reindeer or seasonal outfit or get decked out in your favourite seasonal colours and join us for the 16th Annual Reindeer Romp.
This year’s event will be the first (and hopefully ‘last’) VIRTUAL ROMP, so you are invited to tune into Fitness Corner Live on Facebook (www.facebook.com/welikefitnesscorner) at 9:00 a.m. on December 24th for introductions and warm-up with co-hosts Holly Vanderzwet and Geordie Farrell.
Then you can head out from the comfort of your home and walk, jog or run …or roller blade or ski or snowshoe or bike (or whatever!) for as far, or as long, as you choose!
If December 24th doesn’t work for you this year, feel free to pick another day!
This is a participation event, for which donations to support mental health will be gratefully appreciated. All donations for the 2020 Reindeer Romp will go to Bruce Shoreline in Saugeen Shores, the local Grey-Bruce branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), to support its mental health initiatives. A direct link for donations can be found at https://www.canadahelps.org/en/dn/38963 Click on DONATE NOW and under FUND select “Bruce Shoreline, Southampton, Ontario (Reindeer Romp 2020)”. Tax receipts for all donations of $20.00 or more will be automatically generated and delivered to your email address. Additional information can be found on Facebook, under the ‘event’ section, REINDEER ROMP 2020 ~ Saugeen Shores AND on Fitness Corner (Facebook and website fitnesscorner.ca).
WE WANT YOUR PHOTOS!!! Please email them to contactfitnesscorner@gmail.com
Last year’s event was the 15th anniversary of the Reindeer Romp and raised more than $1,000 for CMHA.