A remarkable veteran who at 101 still stands by her Official Secrets Act

In January, 2020, Saugeen Times had the privilege and honour to interview 97-year-old
Vivienne Winnifred Sees, a remarkable woman who, at the age of 19, following in her sister’s footsteps, enlisted in the RCAF.

Following training, she monitored air traffic through radar on Canada’s west coast and reported it to the central location, who would then plot the aircraft on a large tabletop map, where its movements could be followed. The work was of a highly secretive nature under the Official Secrets Act that was not cancelled until 1991, but many still maintain the secrets they were required to keep.

Vivian – a proud member of the Royal Canadian Legion

Today, at age 101 living independently at home with her grandson, Vivian is still a force to be reckoned with and who still insists on maintaining the Official Secrets Act of Canada.



The women who served in war time