Another new business has opened in the region in response to Bruce Power’s Major Component Replacement (MCR) project about to get underway. To date, 51 companies have taken up residence in Bruce, Grey and Huron Counties as part of the supply chain to Bruce Power.

The latest to open a local site is Nuvia-Canada, which has taken over the vacant plaza in Tiverton. On Tuesday, March 26th, the company officially cut the ribbon to open its doors where it has begun to train Radiation Protection Technicians.
CEO, Arkell Farr, said that the facility is going to become the training centre for all of the company’s Canadian radiation technicians. “We are going to centralize training here in Tiverton and it will be a centre of excellence for the long term.”
Nuvia has provided services to the Nuclear industry in Canada for over 20 years after its beginnings in the U.K. and France.
While it provides a wide variety of products and service to nuclear utilities, one of the core services is the sourcing and training of experienced Radiation Protection Technicians (Green Qualified) both for outages and refurbishments.
“We have trained 50 to 60 technicians to date,” said Franz Dambo, Director of Radiological Protection Services, “but our goal is to have 155 at Bruce Power. We need to train more people and need to have a contingency as we are all tied in this together.”
The day-to-day activities of a radiation protection technician is to provide radiation measurements, radiation exposure permit reviews and ensure that working groups in a radioactive environment area safe and protected.
Bruce County Warden, Mitch Twolan, said that he is happy to have the businesses that are coming to the area. “We have the lowest unemployment in Ontario and we have to recognize Mike Rencheck (CEO of Bruce Power) for the partnerships that he has been forming between Bruce Power and our communities.”

Kincardine Deputy Mayor, Marie Wilson, (representing Mayor Anne Eadie), said that it was encouraging to see the plaza alive again. “It has been so quiet for a long time and it’s good to see it revitalized. “Specialists play a significant role int he nuclear industry,” she said, “and to have trained 60 here in Tiverton in preparation for the MCR is an enormous economic development opportunity. This initiative has benefited all our communities and, of the 51 new companies, 30 have located in the Municipality of Kincardine. The benefits are nothing short of spectacular.”