Bruce County Museum: Walk for Wenjak – Moving reconciliation forward


The Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund is part of Gord Downie’s legacy and embodies his commitment, and that of his family, to improving lives of First Peoples in Canada.  

In collaboration with the Wenjack Family, the goal of the Fund is to continue the conversation that began with Chanie Wenjack’s residential school story, and to aid our collective reconciliation journey through a combination of awareness, education, and action. The aim of these events is to move reconciliation forward by bringing Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples together to create awareness, share and learn.  

Monday, October 21 – Southampton
1:00 PM refreshments provided. Gather at Fairy Lake Pavilion 

Secret Path Screenings (Secret Path Week October 17 – October 22) 
Monday, October 21, 2024 – 10:30 AM and 6:00 PM 
Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre 


All events are free admission. Donations to the Nawash food bank would be appreciated and the first 20 donationst will receive a prize from the Downie Wenjack Foundation. 

Walk for Wenjack events in Bruce County are hosted in partnership with Cape Croker Park, Kitaamgwedaagwad Gindasswin Adult Learning Centre, Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation Chief & Council, Bruce County Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre, Bruce Power, Nuclear Waste Management Organization.