Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Grey and Bruce Communities
I don’t have to tell you 2020 has been a challenging year. In the fight against COVID-19, the people of Grey Bruce have met that challenge head-on. For that, I thank and commend all who have maintained the diligent effort to contain the spread of this virus.
I am confident there is a lot to look forward to in 2021. The significant progress towards development of a vaccine provides a light at the end of the tunnel. That said, we still have several critical months ahead of us where we need to double down to ensure we keep everyone safe.
In simple terms, we need to continue to follow the three Ws: Wash your hands frequently; Watch your distance (stay two metres apart); and Wear your face covering correctly (over the mouth and nose). I know there is fatigue with this message but it is a proven way we can stop the spread of the virus. Your actions will save lives.
As we approach the holiday season, a time we traditionally spend with friends and family, I urge you to limit your contact with those outside of your immediate household. By sacrificing this year to stop the spread, we will ensure we are able to celebrate the holidays next year and years to come.
The provincial COVID-19 framework puts regions that are holding the line in response to COVID-19 in the green. And for that reason, I think that instead of a white Christmas, we can all wish for a green Christmas this year.
Please enjoy a safe seasonal celebration, and make next year the best it can be.
Thank you.